How to Install GTA5 Cracked Versions in 10 Easy Steps on Any PC

Before you jump into the installation guide read this info for better experience.
The Process of all GTA5 Installations.
First of all it depends on your game type:

  1. If you're buying copy from digital library such as Steam, Microsoft store than all you need is large amount of space (around 100GB).
  2. Game will download and unpack to your preferred location as soon as you start downloading. Be sure to have good internet connection.
  3. If you're installing from digital disk purchased from any game retailer or online site, all you have to do is put your disk into disk drive and by using setup file it will start to install itself. You may have to go online to register game and download some additional content available in GTA server.
  4. If you're using crack version from repack than just run the setup, specify location, give some time as repacks take huge amount of time to unpack the game ( it depends on your system configuration & Speed). After Installation Just play the game from launcher.exe
    Remember you cannot play online on cracked version
How to Install GTA5 Cracked Version Step by Step:
This guide is created for people who are confused on how to install GTAV or facing troubles, errors or problems in GTA5 Game. Follow each step and you will be playing GTA5 in the end of it
  1. First of all we highly recommend to install fresh Windows.
  2. Install all Computer Drivers as well as Graphic Card Drivers.
    Remember at least 1GB of Graphic Card is Required to Play This game!
  3. Restart your Computer Before Installing GTA5.
  4. Turn off your Antivirus & disable your Windows Defenders Permanently.
    or else it will delete the crack.
  5. Install the game to a drive with at least 130GB of free data.
  6. Crack your game if it's not already cracked version.
    Download Crack for GTA5↗
  7.  After installing GTA5, Download & install Social Club.
    Download Social Club according to your Game Version↗
  8. Download DirectX Gaming Edition & Install (Installation Requires 100MB of Internet)
  9. Download VBC offline Installer & Install this program.
  10. Launch GTAVLauncher to Play The Game.
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